Friday, September 26, 2014



Today marked the last official school day for 4N students in my school:) I'm excited but at the same time i'm feeling a little down:/  i can only see my classmates the following week of next week(does that make sense?lol) and then after that nobody will have to attend school~~ the very last time i see all my 41 classmates in on mid december when we are collecting our results:/

 I will mostly miss my sitting area at the corner of the class furthest away from the door.Being in that corner....i can literally see just about anything around the class and of course always rushing to reach to the door for break time! hahaha:D.

 My desk mate....she's cool:) I'm sooooooo crazy and weird at times  most of the time.Even i can't deny it :D Being in an all-girls school made me so very open minded(trust me on this one!). I love how my desk mate beside me and the two classmates in front of me tolerate all my nonsense! hahahaha:D i got closer to a handful of my classmates which is cool:) Especially the two people sitting in front of me:)

I JUST FREAKING LOVE MY CLASS:)!! Although some are very academically competitive or super introvert but hey,why would i care about this negative points? Gotta look at them on a positive view yea:)  I don't really want to tell tales my school life cause....i just have so much to talk about!

My classmate who is also a good friend of mine,introduced me to snail mail just recently.

To those who read this,let's snail mail~~
email me at:

We can talk just about anything~~ just drop an email and i'll reply as soon as i can:)

"the world would be so much better if everyone are friends and not foes"