Monday, July 27, 2015

Confessing in the middle of the....GALAXY?

Confession #1 I'm not studying for my major examination...that is in 3 months time.Great.

Confession #2 I have yet to start on my portfolios.Yes portfolios.Ummm 3 portfolios to prepare.

Confession#3 I have a feeling about my future that i won't achieve my dreams.Just look at me now.

Confession#4 Someone gotta slap my fat cheeks to wake me up.I don't mind punches as well.

Confession#5 i have started planning on ''Things to do AFTER major examination" Well aren't i wayyy to eager.

Confession#6 I can probably only post all my fangirl-lyness feels after my eama.My mind is occupied right now.

Confession#7 I NEED to reply ALL my penpals.Oops?

Confession#8 I have yet to update my fanfiction..Uh-oh.

Hi-Ho to all my readers-o! I really want to post about EXOBTS but i currently do not have the time to sit down and blog throughout the day and maybe overnight.Trust me,the moment i start fangirling i ain't gonna stop.So i hope all the kpop-ers who read my blog could wait a little longer~

List of things to blog.....
Major examination(oh how exciting)
3 months holiday
Part time job
Getting results
preparing grad's gifts
Open houses,courses,interviews
Japan trip with cousins...or alone..
Diploma courses?
God's way
......................Life goes on!

My life is limitless just like the galaxy:)