Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Hi there:) I just want to share my thoughts on this issue about EXO's comeback during Ramadan. I'm not trying to categorize actions as sinful or not as that's not my job,it's the Almighty God's job.However i would like to set things straight and as clear as possible.

I followed a kpop confession Instagram account. There was this confession that states:

"EXO's comeback is during Ramadan,which we have to fast during daytime.REALLY?REALLY?YOU KNOW WE HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL NIGHT TO LISTEN TO YOUR ALBUM EXO!! XDD"

Honestly i didn't really care what the confession was about but it's more like the comments that sparked my interest.

There were Muslims agreeing to it,some non-Muslims were confused and asked for reasons,some Muslims who disagreed,some gave useful advises and those who sympathize us. I don't really bother about other people's opinions are.

There were some that said you could always listen to it at night or it's ok to listen to it as long as you don't have "that kind" of thoughts. And the one that struck me the most was,

"Music is forbidden during Ramadan or not. But people tend to cut it more during Ramadan out of respect and to gain more rewards then."

Now like i mention earlier,i'm not the one to judge whether doing/saying something is sinful but i do want to say my opinion. To me,if music is forbidden then why are there beautiful worship songs like Asma-ul-Husna(99 names of Allah)?

As you all may know,or people who read my blog, would know that i'm just starting to get back to the straight path.With that being said,i didn't really took note of such issues.All i ever did before was just fasting during Ramadan as it's compulsory.

Hence,i asked my Qu'ran recitation teacher who schooled in a Muslim school since young.So she kind of more "knowledgeable" in this kind of things. So i asked her about music being forbidden and listening to music during Ramadan.

Music becomes forbidden when one is so obsessed with it to a point where you forgot God. Saying things like "music is my life" or "Without music,life is meaningless" etc meant that you're way into music.Your life should be about God.Pray to Him,ask for forgiveness etc.Music should not be in your priority list at all.Same goes to any sort of entertainment. God should always be first.

With regards to listening music during Ramadan,it is best to abstain the indulgence of entertainment.Not saying it is not allowed,it's just to make sure you spare more time focusing on your faith rather than your indulgence.It is a very holy and precious month.An MV can cost you 3/4++ minutes. Time is your enemy.It's either you make use of it wisely or letting it destroy you.Your choice as ultimately,it's you who are choosing to gain the chances and be worthy to enter heaven or hell.Choose your infinite afterlife.

With that being said,to me,i don't think it's such a big deal.First off,i'm pretty sure none of the people working with EXO/SM know about Islam's practices. Hence why they don't care about us,it's what in our wallet that matter most. So i don't blame them at all. It's called being strategic,business minded and sneaky money collectors. And it's better to abstain oneself from entertainment during this holy Ramadan. Better to fix your faith while the door of forgiveness is still open. You never know when the sand in the hourglass would stop flowing. So increase your faith before indulging in something that may lead you astray. The devils are locked in during Ramadan.Use this time to build your armor which is your faith, strong enough that even when Ramadan is over the devils can't lead you astray so easily.

May you welcome Ramadan with open heart and work to be the best of a Muslim you could be. Amin!

P.s i'm going to come up with my Ramadan diet plan-Iftar edition hopefully by this week.

P.p.s I'm coming up with Ramadan goals and schedule to use my time wisely. Hopefully to upload this week too:)

In Shaa Allah.