Thursday, November 20, 2014


WARNING: Please do ignore my ugly bedsheet! Was to excited to take pictures and fangirling>.<

P.s So gonna repost in Tumblr!

Sadly,BTS DARK&WILD handsigned album is delayed:/ So i'll just do another post on it when i've received it:D
I made a picVid in Instagram featuring the photobooks obviously,to thank the i tagged Sehun,Chanyeol.Xiumin.Luhan,Tao,Baekhyun and Lay^^ Before ya'll go "What the heck!" or ''Shameless'' or "major show off"' I tagged them to thank them.Period. 
And i didn't professed my love. like "I love you so much blah blahblah.."
I sincerely want to thank them because i know i won't ever have the chance to meet them personally to thank them(the sad truth:/) 
 see it for yourself at my instagram:

Anyways to all EXO-Ls.....EXO SARANGHAJA!

Although one of the members mispelled my name wrongly in EXO ver,I'm still happy^^
p.s it's 'NUR...' not 'NAR...' >,< and i think it's Sehun cuz i requested him to sign my nameXD

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Whatchup Tumblr!

For more kpop krays, follow me tumblr!

Sending to all ARMYs virtual hugs~~

Sending to all EXO-Ls virtual hugs~~

To all Fandoms!

Monday, November 17, 2014


All the items i pre-ordered should be coming in by this week~! That includes my DIEJUNGS and DARK&WILD album^^ I bought cute stamps,a legit carousel,two cool necklaces,japanese bag,kitkat matcha and err...more? XD I totally dun remember but roughly there! I will post DIEJUNGS and BTS DARK&WILD album handsigned when i receive it okies~! 

(i'm obsessed with saying this now-.- somethin's wrong with my brain....Then again when was my brain ever okXD)

Friday, November 14, 2014

Nyanya! #EXOBTS

So darn excited for the albums' arrivals! Plus,I bought Christmas gifts for my pen pals^^ Will also be receiving that soonXD I spent so much this week>,< But it's worth it so it's ok^^ Nyaaaaaaaaa~ Exo DieJungs and BTS DARK&WILD ALBUM~~

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

#EXOBTS (can i not hahahaXD)

Wheeeeeeeeeeee~! I'm collecting my treasured items soon! 
All 3 versions of EXO Die Jungs and BTS Dark and Wild album

and and and....My EXO DIEJUNGS are all handsigned under my name! Ohorat! 
Not forgetting BTS DARK&WILD Album is also handsigned!
 I'll definitely post pictures of those stuffs ok^^ 

Monday, October 13, 2014



Let me just say that POA paper was not that bad:) I could do it but forgot some stuff here and there but i'm ok:) Although the first question of paper 2 was a killer to me.It was a killer because i never really study much on Patnership,So i guess it's only me that i can blame on:/ I totally don't mind though.I was the one who didn't study much so it's my fault.But i'm still alive and breathing just fineXD

I'm happy that today was my last paper but majority of my friends will have their last paper on wednesday or so:( So I'd decide to have my own celebration though it's not fancy,hahaha^^ I bought Corntos,Chocolate bun and my ultimate favorite caffeinated drink,Mocha:) Yipss~! I'm enjoying my snacks while writing some fanfictions(ooppps~! hahaha yup i just started on writing up fanfictions;p) or watch some kpop live performances,though it's mostly BTS XD

Gosh so many things to do now!! But first let me take a selfie pick out the most important to get done and over with.

1)Get a job
  >I have an interview tomorrow~!

3)Reply to all my snail-mailers 

4)Send out letters/gifts to my beloved  pen pals in China,Taiwan,Turkey,USA,Japan and several other countries! Pen pals are so freaking awesome!

I'm so nervous with tomorrow's walk in interview:< But i know that if i want to get a job,i've gotta be brave enough to face the hiring manager:)To me i have two basic principles when i work in a different environment.First,i have to ask if i'm unsure/don't know some things only then can i learn more things and ensure that i'm doing a proper job and to be open minded or should i say able to accept critics,so that i can improve.Simple:)

Ok i'm ready! Totally ready to enjoy my freedom~~~~~!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Hakuna Matata:)

I'll proudly say that i'm an EXO-L..though i thought it was quite obvious already~ Hahaha well a lot of things have been happening for them,Good and Bad.Like Kris who left EXO in May,Luhan who just filed a lawsuit against SM ouh and Miranda Kerr followed Sehun on Instagram...ok that's very cuteXD!

All of these news is totally craycray! I'm happy IF EXO is happy as well:) Yeap i do sound like a cruel fan who want EXO to break apart.But NO. That is not the case.

In my point of view,i'm no one to any of EXO. Like come on,i skipped their concert even though my mid year exams ended a day before the concert itself.My reason? Well i didn't want to be distracted before taking my National exams..ok that is an entirely different story,so whatever.  I'm not a significant figure in ANY of EXO member's life(oh how i wish i was one XD). IF i am no one to them but just a mere loyal fan then i can say that whatever decision anyone of them made has got nothing to do with me.All i have to do is shut my mouth,give them some space and let them be at peace. I don't see a point in spamming their social media account or begging Luhan not to leave EXO. Isn't that an embarrassing thing to do? Who are you to tell them what to do? A fan? yea so? You're just a fan you should do what all loyal fans do,SUPPORT THEM. Not spam them in your posts by tagging them with pictures or reasons on why they shouldn't do whatever is on their mind,commenting on their social media asking so many why questions.Don't you think that's a bit disturbing their peace of mind? They are already pressurised by the media and now the fans? Sigh...Life must be hard for them because they are obliged to take up a decision that must be pleasing both the fans and media.So who they can turn to? No one(ok maybe their family and friends but still..ever heard of insecurities with people you don't really know??).That's because some fans just add pressure to them to only see their own selfish desires. EXO can't say anything to that.

What are FANS for? We should always be there for them.Just leaving encouraging words here and there or just silently support them is what they need:) Omg fanwar among us(exo-l) is definitely a nonono!(haha get it get it:p?) So we should all just stay united^^ Even by means of trying your very best to ignore rude comments about the issue at hand.If we keep our mouth shut and just support EXO for whatever they do then don't you think EXO will feel a bit at ease? Knowing that they will always be supported by their own fans?

I'll say this again,I don't care what decision any of the EXO member will take but i'll be sure that my positive(and not annoying) actions will hope to be seen as a sign of supporting them:) Sometimes silence is the most eloquent reply and i believe that every great and awesome successful people will have to fall in order to be the at the top! #JustBePatient #HakunaMatata #loyalEXOLs

Friday, September 26, 2014



Today marked the last official school day for 4N students in my school:) I'm excited but at the same time i'm feeling a little down:/  i can only see my classmates the following week of next week(does that make sense?lol) and then after that nobody will have to attend school~~ the very last time i see all my 41 classmates in on mid december when we are collecting our results:/

 I will mostly miss my sitting area at the corner of the class furthest away from the door.Being in that corner....i can literally see just about anything around the class and of course always rushing to reach to the door for break time! hahaha:D.

 My desk mate....she's cool:) I'm sooooooo crazy and weird at times  most of the time.Even i can't deny it :D Being in an all-girls school made me so very open minded(trust me on this one!). I love how my desk mate beside me and the two classmates in front of me tolerate all my nonsense! hahahaha:D i got closer to a handful of my classmates which is cool:) Especially the two people sitting in front of me:)

I JUST FREAKING LOVE MY CLASS:)!! Although some are very academically competitive or super introvert but hey,why would i care about this negative points? Gotta look at them on a positive view yea:)  I don't really want to tell tales my school life cause....i just have so much to talk about!

My classmate who is also a good friend of mine,introduced me to snail mail just recently.

To those who read this,let's snail mail~~
email me at:

We can talk just about anything~~ just drop an email and i'll reply as soon as i can:)

"the world would be so much better if everyone are friends and not foes"