Friday, April 1, 2016

KAISTAL DATING? Awww my little ballerino has found his ballerina!

Yesterday(31st march) i got the news that i got accepted to Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.I cried so much.I was expecting the worst outcome due to my not so impressive grades but i got in. So happy that i'm on my way to achieve my dreams.Today(1st april) i received the news of 'KAISTAL'. I'm so happy to know that my ultimate bias has found his lady,got so emotional that i cried once again. Happy tears!! Although you won't read this but C O N G R A T S! My little ballerino has found his ballerina. Maybe a collaboration? Hehehe

I've been your fan since 20111221. 
I don't know you personally(kind of wished i did but let's be realistic)
but watching you from then till now,it made me feel closer to you.Although i couldn't go to Korea for your fanmeets/concerts etc,i spent most of my savings buying from online blogshops to get my albums/photo books signed to my name.Yes i spent over and above $300 just for your signatures and signing off to my name.One of you guys signed my name wrongly though... My name is NurFalah but it got changed to Narfalah for my diejungs. It's a cute mistake so thanks:) I'm sorry,my collection of your EXODUS and LMR is not complete! One day i'll complete it,i promise.Anddd i didn't go for EXOLUXION #1 AND #2 in Singapore.I'm such a terrible fan. I just didn't have time to go and oh my mum didn't let me go to work so i was also short of cash.Next time,i promise okays! I admire you so much Um i'm not a creepy girl who wished i got in his pants that i  see you as inspiration 
not as an idol.

 I had my lowest of time in school when i was in Year 1 of high school. I was so emotionally unstable. I blame teen hormones. I was depressed most of the time.It was so hard for me to talk it out with people. I'm not close with my family. I didn't believe in friendships. So i had no one to have the "heart to heart" talk. I kept everything to myself and i survived without inflicting pain to myself.Well i did get some canning from my dad but i deserved it so i'm fine with it.No,my dad is not a drunkard/abusive,he was just doing his job as a father,that is to discipline me.

I survived the loneliness and depression because of you and EXO. Watching your MVs,dance practices,interviews,variety/reality shows etc etc.Seeing you and EXO doing what you guys are passionate about,encouraged me to have hope in myself. Hope to be able to be stronger and achieve my dreams. The more i watch you guys,the bigger my hope became. My biggest dream is to be able to plan out and be involved in EXO's concert. Hope to see you soon.Maybe we can have we-fies! (we-fies are selfies but just a group selfies) With this new determination,hope and courage, i managed to become a better me so thank you for being my lifesaver!

You and EXO mean so much to me that i'm sure you guys would still be my greatest inspiration even when you and i go all wrinkly old.To me your happiness is my biggest award. So stay happy and healthy. Till next time Kai:)

Hugs and kisses more hugs,

P.s One day i would master the korean language and write another long letter to pass it to you during a fanmeet! Wait for me~!

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