Tuesday, January 5, 2016


My conversation with my aunts/cousins/uncles/friends/teachers etc...

"What i'm doing after Os? Polytechnic(diploma) or Junior College(GCE A levels)?"


"What? Are you going to work first then?"

"Maybe. I've got my own plans."

"What's your plan?"

Internally sigh.

"I'm going to private diploma."

"Why private diploma?Isn't expensive? Why not poly or jc?"

"To me poly's education is really diluted,not concentrated.So i'm learning things on the surface not really in depth.I'm also gonna sacrifice 3 YEARS of my life just for a diploma which may or may not get me a job with salary of maybe just $3000 plus/minus.I'm academically inclined so jc is a no-no for me.Unless of course if i want to suffer for 2 years droning academic stuff like formulas.EW no."

"Oh...But private very expensive you know."
"How about Institute of Technical Education(ITE)? ITE also not bad now."
"Don't go private.There's not alot of god people there.There's ex-convicts,dropouts and more of that kind of people."

OMOYA! (ok exo-ls,have you guys watch exo's stages for 'Unfair'? omg kai~!)

Who are they to judge what i want to do??? They asked and i answered but they seem to not like my plans so they try to suggest other routes that are supposedly better than what i have in mind? Can they stop.It's annoying.I may not have the best laid out plans but it's my plans for MY own FUTURE. I feel really annoyed,irritated and sometimes angry when people ask what i want to do after Os and when i share it,they go all professor to me.Stop.

There may be truth in what they said and i appreciate that they just want what's best for me but it's up to me on how would i adapt to my environment.

Yes they may be bad people in the place i want to go but there's NOT a place on Earth where there's only good people.

Yes my plans are not the 'normal' poly/jc route but in the end we'll still get the same thing,knowledge.

So people in Singapore should not put the standard education route on others who prefer to choose pathways that they are confident to walk through towards their own future.

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