Tuesday, January 5, 2016


I'm really excited and nervous to get back my results.

Excited because that certificate made my sufferings in 2015 worth it.(hey come on i suffered in my Chemistry classes!EVERY single week until Os ok. I need some recognition for still being alive)
Nervous because of the grades i'll be seeing.

I'm in no way going to feel regret or scared because of my results.

What is done,is done.You can't change what you get in that certificate.But you can definitely change your attitude and look on the bright side of things.It's not 'the end' when you receive bad or disappointing grades.It's just a sign of new pathways that you can decide whether to go forward,stay stagnant or reverse back(re-take).

I'm in no way looking down on people who are planning to retake.The thing about retaking is that you waste another year of life. In 365 days you can do alot of things to change your future.So you shouldn't feel constricted by your grades.

Ok back to my situation. So i have a feeling that i didn't do so well. Maybe even failed on some subjects.But i'm just being positive and focus on the future that i imagined to have. Alphabets won't weigh me down.It may damage me in some ways but hey,there's always other ways to achieve things.It may not be a favorable way but it is still a way that'll get you to your end result,so why not?YOLO!

Whatever alphabets you guys get,don't let it blind you from your success:)

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