Friday, March 24, 2017

9 days to #exordiuminsg


I'm meeting up some other EXO-Ls for breakfast before the concert and we're gonna collect the merchandise from the different fan projects:) ONE Production said that there'll be official merchandise booth. I know there'll be keychains and what not but i can foresee myself making the hardest decision in life. Who to get and what to get?

I don't have a bias list as i like every single one of them equally. They make my heart beat thousand times faster than when i had to run for 2.4km in NAPFA test. Ahhhhhhhhh~~~ i don't know i wish i could have worked more for lots of extra cash so i could buy the merchs without worrying about lunch money for school! Sigh.. it's ok i can always buy the merchandises and collect all of it slowly.

As for fan gift, i decided not to do anything big and glamorous. Maybe something small, beneficial/stuff they need/wld use, attractive and easy to carry since they do travel and etc. It's hard to think of the perfect gift yet but i only have 9 days!! So i'll try to hurry and prepare it!


Thursday, March 2, 2017

EXOrDIUM in SG 2017 [pre-concert]

So i got my ticket and concert buddies now i need to search for things that could enhance my first concert experience. SM released EXO lightstick version 2. The white one with changing colours? Yea well i want to get that when they first released it but i thought "maybe not today". Finally i got a good reason to buying it hehehe. I didn't plan to purchase as soon as i got my tickets. I did burst my wallet as i bought 3 ticketsXD So i decided to use February's salary to buy it and i finally ordered one for myself at you know where.... Carousell^^ I really really love Carousell all my kpop stuff the official ones were from Carousell. I've been making my purchase on there for quite some time already so i have a few accounts that i really trust^^

Oh! Before i forget,I did mentioned that i have no EXO-L in my circle of friends but i bought 3 tickets? Yea well i'm selling away the tickets at original price^^ I managed to sell my pen B ticket~ I still have my CAT 1 ticket:( I hope to sell it asap~ I'm keeping one ticket for myself duh~

Now i'm still deciding whether i should 'give' gifts for EXO? So many people give them stuff like plashes, cute hats and what nots. I don't know whether i should give them something like that. I'm not the type to follow trend or the majority so i'm thinking of a unique gift for them. It's either extremely unique or no gifts at all. See my problem here? I can't think of a good gift for incredible, handsome ultra talented and popular 9 boys should get. They are travelling and are sharing space so my gift should be easy to carry and should also not take up so much space. I'm still thinking of ideas. I don't have much time left and i don't want to spend so much cuz i want to save money for the official merchandise. I'll update again with the gifts if i made them in my next blog.

Since i'm at standing pen B with q number 24xx, i would be at the back or middle part of the pen. I need to be "noticed''. I'm planning to wear glow in the dark clothes or LED hijab hahahahaha. I'm looking up on diy glow in the dark clothes. I could find diy LED clothes but it looked complicated. However, i did find diy LED shoes... Hehehehe maybe i would go for LED shoes you know to spice up my concert experienceXD I aim to have the most lit first concert ever!

I would update my blog again on my pre-concert days okays~! I would most probably also blog about the concert and the concert coma after the dayXD Stay tune okays~


EXOrDIUM in SG 2017 [pre-concert]

Remember that i blogged about their concert last year? How i complained and whined throughout the blog about not being able to go? Well...

Concert details:

I'll be blogging on my experience in this whole concert process. It's very long because i encountered some problems along the way and it's my first time going to a concert, well the concert is on 2nd April 2017 but you know your concert experience should start from the announcement of the concert, no? Everything is so new to me^~^ Please bear with me hahaha maybe you can know some of my tricks or learn some stuff from this blog so you guys are prepared for any kpop concert hahahahahXD

So let me tell you guys the experience of a first time concert go-er. Unlike EXO'luXion 2 last year where the announce ticket sales one month before the concert, this time, One Production(organiser), confirmed it and announced ticket sales on 24 January through their twitter account. Follow them on twitter guys! They reply your enquires and frequently updates too! @OneProductionSG The concert in on 2nd April 2017, 4PM at Singapore Indoor Stadium. So they gave us enough time to collect money etc.

I'm already working and financially supporting myself. However, i used up my salary for some December shopping and outings. I didn't know about EXOrDIUM then okays if i had known, not a single cent comes out of the pocket. So i was broke. I called my friend and talked about how i regretted purchasing all the make up, clothes and food i bought in December. She said she could purchase for me first since she knows i can pay her back when my January pay come. However, I declined her offer because I was too embarrassed to accept such offers. I still vowed myself to go for the concert. 

So I posted on Carousell for anyone to help me purchase the ticket first then pay them back once my i receive my pay. I had so many offers but all of them had extra charges like $10-$30. Those charges were their profit. I'm not stupid enough to agree on those deals. I was planning to buy the standing pen ticket which cost $292 (booking fee included) if i add those extra charges, i'm making a loss. Their conditions was that i have to pay full amount including their extra charges. What if just a what if they run away? Make themselves disappear or smh. Then my money would be gone as well. I'm pretty much gambling my luck so i decided to take down that offer.  But a Carouseller was really nice and said that she can help me buy the tickets without extra charges. I decided to accept her offer. So now the next problem is the money.

I think i was really really really extremely lucky. I applied for a bursary the year before and i was awarded a cheque of a pretty big sum of money for me. I wasn't planning to use it other than supporting school needs but yea you can kinda tell what happened nextXD I deposited the cheque immediately and managed to cash out 2-3 days before the ticket sales. I transferred $292 to the girl who's helping me buy the ticket. Settled.

NOT. On the day of ticket sales, she was struggling to get the standing pen tickets. The website was incredibly slow due to high traffic. I guess those who queued up at the ticket booths were the lucky ones who got the standing ticket? I don't know but i was a little upset at the fact that there's a probability i could not go for the concert because i don't have a ticket. She was texting us throughout the process. (There were other people who she was helping to buy the ticket for and we created a group chat) Saying how she can't get any tickets and blah blah. I was getting upset but wasn't pissed off because i understand that she must have been really pressurised, pissed off and what not trying to nabbed the tickets. So i texted my friend for lunch at Seoul Garden lol. I went out. I ranted to her about my current misfortune and what not. I checked my phone time to time. At one point the girl got the tickets but it was a CAT 1 ticket aka seating tickets. I was super grateful that i got to go for EXOrDIUM 2017. But the unsatisfactory was there. I mean I did transfer $292 to her for a standing ticket.... So what else? hahahaha

Back i  went to Carousell and checked for people selling their standing tickets at original pricesXD At first i didn't find any. I texted my friends and whined to them. They helped me screenshot twitter people selling tickets that i want which is the standing pen. I deeply appreciate their effort but i don't trust twitter sellers for some reason? I just feel insecure. I went back to Carousell and again i think i was lucky. I managed to score myself a seller that was selling a pair of standing pen tickets. I bought it immediately.I bought it and asked if i could meet the person on that same day. She said yes. She was on her way to changing her online tickets to the physical ones. So i met up with the great seller and paid cash. I'M REALLY LUCKY AREN'T I??? So i got a pair of standing pen tickets and a CAT 1 ticket^^

Did i ever tell you guys that i don't have an EXO-L in my circle of friends? Well now i tell you, i don't have any exo fans as my friends. I thought it would be lonely for me to go alone plus i need someone to show me the ropes of attending a concert hahahahaha! I post my search for concert buddies on Carousell. Yes i love carousell cuz i use it for more than just shopping okays~ A lot of people were interested and contacted me so i created a group chat for us. I'm going to EXOrDIUM with fellow EXO-Ls~~~~~ Makes me super excited! We are planning to meet up early for breakfast on the concert day. We chat and get to know each other better then then wait for it the most exciting part is......collecting of fan project items~! Not only we have fan project items, we also have the official merchandise booth! Thank you thank you One Production SG!

So far my checklist:
Money for tickets
Concert Buddies
EXO official lightstick ver 2
Selling of extra tickets
Clothes for ConcertGift(?) for EXO-i'm not sure if i should throw/pass something at the stage yet
Extra money for official merchandise 

I still have 5 things in my checklist that i would have to blog about! So wait for my next update maybe by tomorrow or something~! I'm excited to blog about it so wait for it okays~


Sunday, November 13, 2016


So there are so many things happening right now.

First off, i finally got the job i've been aiming for since... i was like 15 y/o? It's nothing big but i believe the job would provide more exposure and experience to the arts scene. So i'm really happy about my new job:)!

I recently collected my signed "Dear Happiness" YASSSSSSS!!! I'll be blogging about it soon! I was thinking of making a YT video of unpacking it(?) I have yet to decide.

I'm planning to pick up skills and languages this holiday. Here's the list.
-Khatam Qur'an (finish reading the qur'an)
-Arabic language
-religious classes
-Japanese language
-remix songs using garage band
-learn photoshop

There's ALOT of rumours about concerts that could possibly be hosted in Singapore. Like EXO's exor'dium or something like that. I hope it really takes place, i really want to attend their concert!


Thursday, October 6, 2016


10 October 2016

Hey guys:)!

So i've been gone for quite some time. I was busy with my job training and school assignments. I'm gonna save my rants for other posts now it's BTS Fangirl Time! I'll try not to spill any spoilersXD!


The first "teaser" or short film as BigHit called it, is titled BEGIN. I'd like to call it Jungkook's point of view(pov for short). Don't be fooled by Kookie's angelic looks. The video is pretty creepy.

I watched this in the middle of the night and it took me quite some time to shake off the fear. I didn't expect it to be so dark. So please do watch it when you're not alone and in dark places. What you may hear or see may trigger some evil thoughts. Yea just saying you know.

Nevertheless, WINGS is assumed to be the continuation of HYYH. As expected, the hints and hidden messages just make me dizzy whenever i think about it. Putting the theories aside, i'm dying to know the story. It's so thrilling and mysterious.

Kind of just want all the theories that exist now to finally make sense. It's like waiting for the chocolate brownies to be perfectly half baked to get the gooey chocolate. Food aside, it's BTS.


Yet another creepy short film. It's Jimin's pov this time. It's titled LIE. In HYYH, Jimin is portrayed to have a suicidal phase at the same time a calm and fun aura... I'm piling up more theories aren't i?

I  was expecting it to be creepy but it exceeded my expectations but this time i watched it in day time(lol).


Rather than creepy, i felt V's pov to be more depressing. Third part is called STIGMA.

Well obviously someone had checked the dictionary to titled it as such. For those who don't understand what stigma is, "a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality or person." Come to think about it, V did kill someone in HYYH. So...more theories yeay:)!


Creepy? Very. Even creepier than the first 3 short films. The whistling, goosebumps~~ It's titled as FIRST LOVE which is weird for me.

The series focuses on youth but not so much on romance you know what i mean? Like it didn't clearly pointed out that this is a song about a couple who have friends that always cockblock them. Connection still not clear.

However, in HYYH, Kookie did have a punching moment with Suga...

2 more members to go! This one is titled as REFLECTION. Creepy? Nahhh not really. However, unlike the first four, RapMon had a...a...speech? slow rap? talking? Basically he said some stuff,of which i didn't really get it.

His pov wasn't really in HYYH, but he mentioned something about how he's addicted to inking his own body or smith like that. It could be that he is self harming himself?


Creepy? No. It was very cool. Research has shown that mentally ill people see the world differently. Again obviously someone did the research and applied for J-Hope's pov. He see things differently and he brought us into his vision(?) Yea something like that.

In HYYH J-Hope had depressing moments and was taking drugs. Well kind of taking drugs. So....

Last but not least Jinnnnnieeee! AWAKE. Honestly, even though i was confused about the story flow in HYYH and WINGS short film, Jin's pov kind of gave me a few ideas and maybe some more clues in solving the whole theories mess we are in right now. Everything became connected in his pov.

The short film didn't really open up the mysteries or solved any theories. However, it did show obvious connections to HYYH. If this whole mess is not cleared up in WINGS, i'd be frustrated.

Besides the short films and more theories mess, BigHit teased us with concept photos. Good camera, good angles/lightings, nice clothes/props and handsome men....It's a feast for the eyes people!! XD

p.s! FOLLOW THEIR OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT PEOPLE:)! I like their layouts and the 
concept photos were posted there:)


Aside from the short films and concept photos, they also had the circles.
It's always at the end of each short films! Everyone's circles is combined except for Jin's. Ohohohohho theories people theories!
There are a lot of theories going around in the internet. So many to a point that my brain could literally explode if i try to piece them together. I'm hopefully gonna post my take on HYYH and WINGS theoretically in my next post or after 10 Oct. So be prepared for BTS comeback and enjoy it guys:) I'm getting ready for my brain to explode:D!


Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Year 1 Arts Management.AM1C.

Live school life updates; snapchat @missfals
I'm so bored sometimes during class, chat with me;kakaotalk @Jfals

I've got in NAFA,thank god. I still feel like i'm dreaming that i really am in NAFA studying the course that i really want.

You guys have no idea how nervous i was. I literally wanted to cry.Freaking lame and retarded but yea. When i reach campus three for registration,there was already a queue being the introverted self,i just queued as well. I managed to talk with the two girls who have no idea what's going on as well. The waves of relief came crashing down on me.At least i was not the only one confused at that time.

I met wonderful people from Day 1. I registered and i met this JC girl. Typical JC girl had this "academic superiority" aura nevertheless, she's nice. I met interesting people during orientation games etc. Some from Indonesia,China,India and of course the locals. To say we're friends right off the hook is really uncomfortable for me. I held myself back really well during orientation week. I was afraid that whatever i may say or do may offend them or make them feel uncomfortable around me.

I was insecure at some point of time. It was probably because it's been an extremely long time for me not trying to befriend others. I've been stuck and glued with the same group of friends from primary school all the way to the day i graduated from secondary school. That's about 9 years. 9 YEARS OF LOYALTY. So the idea of making new friends is really hard for me. How do you know that someone is your true friend right off the bat right?

The whole group of people i knew were split up to different classes, AM1A,AM1B and AM1C. Most of them went to A and B. i only knew 2 people that are in the same class as me,C. That was good. I had one very enthusiastic guy and one interesting girl. this guy's tag line for almost every intro is,

"My name is AhFat. if you can't remember my name,look at my size."

It's not his real name. If i say his real name,he would probably slap meXD
He's pretty much into makeup. He told us that he spent $300+ at Sephora. Like wtf. But gurllllll his makeup looks slays af. He's overall really nice.Although he disrupts the class a lot,he actually one of the many reasons why our class is fun since day 1. Check out his makeup instagram account. @Makeupwithfatsy

Now this interesting girl.She's talented with her hands,before you guys get the wrong idea,Chao could do the media art drawing thingy. She drew lots of BTS media art as she's into BTS as much as i do or maybe more. She have this really quiet demure but when you hangout with her for more than 10 minutes,all the devils and angels peek out of her curtains. She's nice and pleasant to hangout with though:) I would ask her if she have social media outlet that she uses to upload her creative artworks and update this blog if she have any.

I mentioned that our class is fun since day 1 of lesson. It's partly because of AhFat commentary/jokes but the class is full of weird/retarded/cool/funny people. It's interesting that we have no separated cliques. We just hangout as a class or so. Though maybe some are not interested to join us they do have fun with us in class,so thats great:)

I met two more 2 girls that became part of my daily lunch buddies along with Ahfat and Chao. They're Kai and Nat.One is obsessed with her hair and dogs while the other one have a life.

Kai is a pet groomer,she love animals especially dogs. She bleached her hair and she's taking care of it as it=f it's her baby.Wait it is her baby. She can be vain af. Kai would probably have the "i'm so done with us" look everyday at any time of the day when she's with us. But she is a k-drama fanatic. She's watching a few dramas now.

Nat,is one super special girl. She can be as naive as a child and super blur but can be super smart when it comes to the topic of fashion.She's from China and is a fashion blogger. Sha can be flying off oversea during the weekend and come back to school on Monday. She go overseas as if she's going Pasir Ris to Pioneer. She really do have a life. Kai,Chao,Ahfat and i went to her new home to help "unpack" her stuff and i think we did the most minimal job,hanging clothes. Sh had tons i repeat tons of clothes. My clothes is probably one quarter of her one luggage amongst the 4 or 5 luggages of clothes she have.

My whole class is such a joy to be with,so i do enjoy being around them. They're as much fun as Ahfat,Nat,Chao and Kai,but i hangout with this four more often. So i don't mind calling them my friends. I hope to have class photos of our dress up/dress down days soon!

Currently assignments are piling up,so i'd better get back to work:)!

p.s this is probably the most rushed write up i have done so far.Sorry for that. 3 weeks worth of school life to update.

p.p.s didn't proof read,kind of feeling lazayyyy right now.

p.p.p.s i'd update and edit this blog asap.


Saturday, June 18, 2016

With Love,J

I would probably be bashed for saying this. Well i'll be very blunt, Jessica Jung is better off as a soloist.

I'm not dismissing the fact that she got all the popularity and recognition now because she was a member of Girl's Generation. Or how she was properly trained in SM ent and how experienced she is as a singer before having a solo debut.

When i say she's better off as a soloist, i meant that her capabilities are highlighted in so many ways.

Her voice is very nice to listen to. Which i didn't get to properly enjoy when she was in GG. Yes everyone had to share that 3 or 4+ minutes to shine since it's an idol group. But she was very shadowed by others. I barely heard her,probably for a few seconds.

When she was in GG, she had titles such as Ice Princess and (airport) fashion queen. I didn't get to see her as an idol who has very good singing voice.

Heard that she confirmed a fandom name a few days ago,Golden Stars. She said that it's a tribute for her fans that shined for her during dark times. Aww she's so sweet:)

You guys know how i don't really like female idols except for the selected few but Jessica's album is in my top replay.As in the whole album,all the songs in it:)! All her songs are very nice to listen at any time of the day:)

I'm extremely happy for Jessica Jung. She got to express her love both as a singer and in fashion:) Please do continue to shine Ms.Jessica Jung~

#GoldenStars #JessicaJung

Jessica with haters.

When it's the first day of school holiday

When you're on a diet but can't resist a jumbo marshmallow offered...

After Shaving armpits girls be like...